Tuesday, 20 February 2007

I Didn't Do My UFO

I didnt work on my UFO today as I really want to get the wedding sampler done. Not a lot to do now so hoping I might get if finished tomorrow. This is my progress so far.

Sorry Julie promise I will do some on my UFO next week.


Mo said...

It's looking lovely Helen with all the beads and metallics. Hope your headache clears up - there's been a sinus headache bug doing the rounds recently as I've had it. Conventional painkillers never help if I have a sinus headache. It's been making me really bad tempered too!

Julie said...

I'll let you off this week Helen seeing as this is such a special piece LOL, it's looking great

Sally said...

Watch out for that big stick Helen! LOL! This piece is looking absolutely gorgeous.