Tuesday 13 February 2007

Progress on UFO

Made good progress this time. Doesn't look an awful lot but it was all the fiddly bits and the gold work. Jacqui asked last time which Celtic one this was as she didnt recognise it. Well hardly suprising lol. It is Celtic Spring but as I also have Celtic Summer and they both faced the same way I decided to turn this one round so they would face each other when they were both done (whenever that might be - this ones will have taken about 4 years by the time its done).


Julie said...

looks good Helen, well done

Jacqui said...

She looks great Helen. I have all 5 of the Celtic ladies, but am only halfway through the Autumn one. Everyone seems to change the colours which is probably why I didn't recognise it.

Sally said...

Welcome back Helen! Lovely progress on your lady. I love the colours.