Wednesday, 27 April 2011

I think Im back .....

Its been nine long long months since I last posted. I am not going to bore you with the details, most of you know my Mum had a rough time last year but I am pleased to report that she is so much better now and is getting out and about again. I am so pleased that she has become independent again as just after we returned from our annual chill out in Goa (mid Feb) I had a stupid accident and ended up with three bones broken in my spine and a very badly bruised lower spinal region, which meant sitting down was very painful, but then so was standing up so I have had a couple of months where I was going stir crazy, supposedly relaxing at home. How you relax when its hard, to sit, stand or even lie in bed Im not sure but now I too am well on the way to mending.

Stitching has been a bit hit and miss but I have had two finishes. Both are hardanger designs and both are from the Cols Creations collection. The first one was my tissue box cover which I love and I am thinking of doing another one of these in cream at some point, but this one is plain white and is for my bedroom.

Finished March 2011

The second is again for my bedroom and is a beautiful design called Tulips and Lace. I have quite a few of these Col's Creations charts in my stash and look forward to being able to do some more in the future. Oh and just in case anyone notices the little thread sticking out at the bottom (as I know some of those in my hardanger group will lol) I have now cut it off. I have to admit to having a little help with this one as Rachael did the buttonholing round the edge. I have done hardanger for a number of years now and never had problems before but for some reason I just could not get to grips with it on this one and was ready for thowing it in the bin lol. Nothing to do with the design, its just normal button hole stitch - just my head would not work around it at the time and Rachael kindly offered her services, bless her.

Finished April 2011

First things first though and my aim for this year is to finish some of my rather large pile of WIPs. The first one I have gone back too is this one, I Still Do - an Ink Circles Design that seemed perfect for our Ruby Anniversary. That was 18 months ago but as it has a habit of doing life got in the way. This is what it looked like last time I took a picture and I will try and take an update pic later today. I have now finished the first of the two large motifs I was working on and I am hoping to make a start on the second one tonight.

I am not even attempting to work on a rota at the moment, I shall just stitch on this for as long as I am happy doing so and then swap to another. There are so many unfinished projects in my WIP box that I think there will be something I can find that I just fancy doing at the time.

I was having a quick flick round my blog before I started posting and I think I am going to have to alter my WIP list in the sidebar as its very out of date. I will also try to think what else I have finished - Im sure there must be one or two in the last nine months, and they need to be recorded, after all this blog was started so that I would have a record of the things I stitched. Having said that its always lovely to know others are interested too, so it anyone does read this I would love to hear from you.

All for now


Helen x

May your frogs stay in their ponds.


jane said...

it's great to see you back Helen, so pleased that your mum is much better. Your accident sounds very painful, hope you are soon fully recovered.

Christine said...

Welcome back Helen!
Your accident sounds nasty, hope you are recovering well.
I love that Hardanger tissue box cover

Stitchabilities said...

Hey up stranger!! Glad to see you have found your blog again.
I have always said you are a pain in the bum LOL Luv ya really!! xx

See you Saturday!!

Stitchingranny said...

Looking forward to it Rachael, just hope I can manage to get up and dressed in time or I will be greeting you in my dressing gown lol.

Thanks Christine, and Jane for the welcome back.

Susan @ Real Girl Designs said...

I'm so sorry about your injured spine - that doesn't sound like much fun at all! {{{hugs}}}

I'm glad that your mum is doing better.

Both of your hardanger finishes are beautiful - I have learned to do hardanger, but have never attempted anything more than the most basic of designs.

Your anniversary sampler is lovely. Maybe I should start stitching mine - I have my 25th anniversary in 2 years.

It's so nice to see you back!

Veronica said...

Wonderful to have you back, Helen. Happy to hear that your mum's doing better. Love your hardanger finishes. Both are stunning. I Still Do is progressing nicely as well. Happy stitching!

Colette said...

Helen how lovely to see you back my friend. I love your 2 finishes they are beautiful ( I always feel funny saying that when they are my designs lol )
Looking forward to saturday when we can catch up with all thats been happening
hugs Colly

Brigitte said...

Welcome back, Helen. It's good to read you again. Sorry to hear that you had an accident that left you with so much pain for quite a while. I hope that you will soon be completely healed.
Both your Hardanger pieces look great. Congratulations!

Sally said...

Welcome back Helen. I hope you are doing much better now.

Lovely finishes and it's nice to see your anniversary sampler again:)

Lisa said...

Great to see you back Helen. Glad that your mum is feeling better and sorry that you had an accidence, but happy that you are slowly getting over it.
I love your two finishes, especially the mat. I have a needleroll of Col's in my stash and keep meaning to make a start, but have only done hardanger a couple of times and it still scares me lol.