
Saturday 19 October 2013

Garden of Virtues

I am enjoying stitching this little sampler and so far its been pretty easy going.  I changed the colour for the writing as the one suggested was almost invisible as it was almost the same colour as the fabric, which is an antique white.  Apart from that I have actually stuck with the recommended colours, most unusual for me when I am doing a sampler.  There is still a feeling of doom when I think about returning to the blue dress, but I will see how I feel once this one is finished.

Still rushing about all over the place, trying to finish cards and my grandsons new advent, which I will show you when its complete.  Since I last posted we have booked a holiday for the end of November, which means I have to have everything done for Christmas before then as there won't be time when we get back.  On top of selling a house, child minding duties, visiting mum everyday, and everything else that needs to be done in and around the home, I shall end up tying myself in a knot soon.  On which note I shall love you and leave you until I get a minute to do another post.

May your frogs stay in their ponds.

PS  ooohhh   my signature has suddenly returned - I do hope it stays.


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