
Friday 13 September 2013

Hello fellow bloggers and readers.

We had a lovely holiday with our Grandson in Malta.  The first morning we had a thunder storm but for the rest of the holiday the weather was perfect, and we did lots of walking.  I got a little stitching done and finished my holiday stitch when I got home.  It was a Drawn Thread design called Generosity and here it is complete.

With the holiday stitching out of the way I returned to Fairies and ended up with a double Happy Dance week.  So drum roll please

A while back I promised this chart to someone and I cannot find their email to let them know that it is now ready to be despatched, so please get in touch with me again love. 
With two HD's under my belt I am now really and truly in a stitching mood.  Unfortunately I do not get much chance to stitch during the day and Hardanger House definitely is a daylight stitch.  I have made a little progress but not much, just working on the front door at the moment
So it was time to re-awaken another UFO.  I looked at the three main ones left and decided that the one I had done the most on was The Quilt maker, so I have rescued her from oblivion and she is enjoying the light of day once more.  Here is what she looked like back in April 2010 when I last worked on her.
and here is how she is before I start work again tonight
When I last put her away in 2010 I was so tired of stitching dark blue and it was driving me mad,  so I am pleased to see there is very little of the dark blue to do this time.
I hope everyone is keeping well and getting lots of stitching done, I am trying to keep up with blogs again now, which is good, though some of them do tempt me into thinking about new charts - no no no I must be good - I will be good, OK I will try to be good lol.
Well folks I think that is all I have to share with you this week, so I will say goodnight and return to the quiltmaker for an hour or so before bedtime.  Take care and hope to see you all again soon.
May your frogs stay in their ponds.


  1. Beautiful stitching Helen!
    My lovely chart came yesterday, thank you so much. I shall look forward to making a start on that in the winter when we are less busy

  2. Two happy dances, what a success. Both finishes are absolutely beautiful. Great stitching!
    Oh, I love The Quiltmaker, it's a great piece and I have added it to my BAPs that I want to start this year. Well, there is a little cheating because I had started it years ago but it's only a couple of stitches.

  3. Helen, congrats on two fantastic finishes!!!!

  4. Congratulations on two beautiful finishes.. I'm looking forward to more progress on The Quiltmaker.

  5. Super finishes, well done Helen.


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